Su vs sudo
Su vs sudo

Display privileges for another user with sudo command Use sudo to run command as a different user Don’t forget to provide us with your valuable feedback in our comment section. Till then stay tuned and connected to Tecmint. I’ll be here again with another Interesting article. To add an user (bob) to sudo just run the below command as root. Some Linux distributions have “ sudo” enabled by default while most of the distros of today needs you to enable it as a Security Measure. “ sudo” provides you a robust and safe environment with loads of flexibility as compared to ‘ su‘.

Su vs sudo password#

Suggested Read: Let Sudo Insult You When You Enter Incorrect Password Here the user ‘ adam‘ can execute all the commands aliased under “ PROCS”, without entering password. We can execute a ‘ sudo‘ command without entering password by using ‘ NOPASSWD‘ flag. How about executing a ‘ sudo‘ command without entering password? It is possible to specify a System Groups, in place of users, that belongs to that group just suffixing ‘ %’ as below: %apacheadmin WEBSERVERS=(www) APACHE User_Alias WEBMASTER=henry,mark WEBMASTERS WEBSERVERS=(www) APACHEĬmnd_Alias PROC=/bin/kill,/bin/killall, /usr/bin/top Aliases! Yeah the Linux utility where a long-lengthy command or a list of command can be referred as a small and easy keyword.Ī few a lias Examples, which can be used in place of entry in ‘ sudo‘ configuration file. If this list of command varies to the range, where it is literally not possible to type each command manually we need to use aliases. If the number of commands, user is supposed to run is under 10, we can place all the commands alongside, with white space in between them, as shown below: mark beta.database_=(cat) /usr/bin/command1 /usr/sbin/command2 /usr/sbin/command3. What if the user needs to be granted several commands? To implement the above situation, we can write ‘sudo’ as: mark beta.database_=(cat) dog You have a sudo user ‘ cat‘ which is supposed to run command ‘ dog‘ only. Q2.You have a user ‘ tom‘ which is supposed to execute system command as user other than root on the same Database Server, above Explained.įor the above situation the ‘ sudo‘ line can be written as: mark beta.database_=(tom) ALL You are supposed to provide him all the access on Database Server ( beta.database_) only, and not on any host.įor the above situation the ‘ sudo‘ line can be written as: mark beta.database_=(ALL) ALL You have a user mark which is a Database Administrator. Some of the Situations, and their corresponding ‘ sudo‘ line: Suggested Read: 10 Useful Sudoers Configurations for Setting ‘sudo’ in Linux

  • Command: command or a set of commands which user may run.
  • This column lets you allows users to execute System Commands.
  • (Effective_user): The ‘Effective user’ that are allowed to execute the commands.
  • Useful when you have lots of host machines.
  • Machine_name: This is the host name, in which ‘ sudo‘ command is valid.
  • User_name: This is the name of ‘ sudo‘ user.
  • The above Syntax can be divided into four parts: The Syntax of configured ‘ sudo‘ line is: User_name Machine_name=(Effective_user) command root ALL=(ALL) ALLĪ properly configured ‘sudo‘ is very flexible and number of commands that needs to be run may be precisely configured. In many situation, System Administrator, specially new to the field finds the string “ root ALL=(ALL) ALL” as a template and grants unrestricted access to others which may be potentially very harmful.Įditing ‘ /usr/sbin/visudo’ file to something like the below pattern may really be very dangerous, unless you believe all the listed users completely. Note: You must be root to edit /usr/sbin/visudo file. The sudo list looks like the below string, by default: root ALL=(ALL) ALL

    su vs sudo

    $ sudo /usr/sbin/visudoĪ screen shot of ‘ /usr/sbin/visudo‘ file, looks something like this: We can run ‘ /usr/sbin/visudo‘ to add/remove the list of users who can execute ‘ sudo‘.

    Su vs sudo